The venue for the 14th YBMRS will be the Floreal in Blankenberge, where all scientific activities, the accommodations for one night, coffee breaks, lunches and dinner will be offered in a central location for all activities. It will also host the YBMRS party on Monday evening.
Both single and double rooms are available. The single rooms come at an additional fee. When choosing a double room two roommates can be selected during registration. Free wireless internet will be available throughout the conference grounds.
Posters and sponsors will be dispersed throughout the available space which will also be used for coffee breaks, providing the optimal forum for scientific exchange and interactions with all participants and our sponsors during the meeting.
Floreal Blankenberg, Koning Albertlaan, 59 - B-8370 BLANKENBERGE, Tel.:+32(0)050 43.21.11 | Fax:+32(0)050 43.22.22